Located in Western Tennessee the town of Alamo may not be on your radar, but you'll definitely want to add this to your travel lists. This is home to the Tennessee Safari Park. The town has a population of 2300 but it's the Safari Park that is the true travel destination for this small Tennessee town.
The Tennessee Safari Park offers 7 and a half miles of drive through with this amazing Safar adventure. The safari offers the unique experience of close up interactions with exotic animals as well as actually feeding them yourself. Why be on the outside looking in like a typical zoo when you can drive right in and join them? As you drive along and explore our drive through safari, animals from every continent except Antartica will come right up to your vehicle windows. Some will even block your path to make sure you stop and say “hi”.
Admission to the park is $24 per adult and $16 per child. The price is well worth it and it's as if you step into a scene from movies like Out of Africa and Dancing with Wolves with with the interaction you'll have with the wildlife and this amazing Safari Park.