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  • kurtobersteadt

Help For My Daughter Attending Nursing School

Hello everyone my name is Kurt Obersteadt the father of Annabelle. My daughter is a freshman at University of Mississippi and studying to become a nurse. She is passionate about becoming a nurse and has a unique story.

First of all there was a mixup with her financial aid and we have come up short so that she can enroll in classes for the spring semester. I have tried all sorts of ways to get the funds to cover the cost we owe. I am asking for some assistance with this to ensure her dream happens.

The story with Annabelle is that she is also a cancer survivor. She battled Neuroblastoma for over 10 years when she first was diagnosed at age 2. She underwent a couple surgeries, 8 rounds of chemo, and radiation. She has been through so much in her life and has a drive like no other. She would always smile even when times were the darkest for her and I maybe thought it might be the end for her when those calls from doctors came. She showed resiliency through her life and has never given up.

I myself have raised Annabelle and her two siblings for over 12 years now on my own as a single parent. I'll never forget the day she got into Ole Miss. I am a Uber driver and on that day I was taking an individual to the airport and she called. Generally I don't take calls when I have riders in the car but I took this one. I answered and she said "Dad I got in" I was so happy for her and the guy riding with me was cheering. I was so filled with emotion that day that I new she was going off to chase her dream. University of Mississippi was the only college she applied to and it was all or nothing for her. We've had some setbacks financially over the last few months but I'm determined to let her have her dream.

The reason she chose nursing is this and this is what she included in her college essay to University of Mississippi is that she wanted to give back to those who were by her side. The nurses we had at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital were always amazing including her Nurse Kelly. She is truly thankful for those that never gave up on her fight with cancer. She is now part of the survivorship clinic and has a yearly appointment but every time the nurses, nurse practitioners, and doctors tell her she's doing amazing. She has been inspired by the nurses and is determined to be an amazing nurse herself.

She is my first child to attend college and I take so much pride she attends University of Mississippi. She has even inspired her two siblings to go to college. My oldest has just enrolled into a local community College and is taking classes to become a zoologist. My son he's only in high school but is wanting to attend college to become an airline pilot. Her determination to attend college has transformed my kids lives to go after their dreams.

The funds will be used to pay for the $16,471.33 that we presently owe. Additionally, excess funds that we receive will be donated to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital for Cancer Research. Cancer is a horrible disease and any one that has a child who battled the disease knows the strain it does on one's family financially, emotionally, and physically. Finally, a portion of it will go to her health insurance to ensure that she can have the Healthcare she needs while attending college.

I'm thankful for any who give to her and thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart that your allowing my daughter to achieve her dream. I completely believe this is the path God wants her to go and everyday I'm reminded with either someone wearing a University of Mississippi shirt, a bumper sticker, license plate, or something related to the school. I also do Shipt grocery delivery service and my last day off was Christmas day. I work extremely hard for my kids so we can have the necessity things we need. I just ask for help with this setback for my daughter so she can become an amazing nurse who graduated from University of Mississippi and went off to inspire others who maybe battling cancer or facing a illness that they feel their is no hope that she gives them hope.

One day while she and I were having lunch I told her every obstacle is a stepping stone to success. Her obstacle was cancer and she overcame now she's on her way to success with becoming a nurse. Once again thank you for the donations and those who give.

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