One area of Nashville that individuals overlook in Nashville is the Nation's. From restaurants, bars, and quaint stops it really is a hidden gem. Plus it's location is only 15 minutes from the downtown area.
Restaurants in the area include 51st Deli, Nicky's Coal fired pizza, El Paso Cantina, Midnight Oil, Bringles, and Daddy's Dog.
For coffee stops check out The Frothy Monkey and Red Bicycle Coffee and Crepes.
For bars that are hidden dives check out The Nation's Bar and Grill, and The Centennial.
Plus you can see the art done by Guido van Helton for the depiction of Lee Estes who lived in the area since the 1920's and saw the area change.
The Nation's is a great area to explore and close proximity to so many other areas in Nashville. Definitely worth an area to check out on your next stop in the West Nashville area.