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  • kurtobersteadt


Helloooo and thank you for visiting my personal blog page. My name is Kurt Obersteadt and have so much to share. First of all the purpose of this page is to create an atmosphere and place where individuals can come to find out the inside information for travel throughout the world!!!

A little about me for over 10 years I have been raising my kids on my own. I have learned alot about myself, life and basically everyone I come across throughout life and one thing I have learned is you can't give up on your dreams, goals, and desires. Also, in the past 6 months have lost over 60 pounds and in the best shape of my life. I am also somewhat of a Badass Extraordinaire for everything I have overcome and truly living the most fantastic and best life God had ever and true testimony for never giving up. Additionally, I have learned that traveling is amazing and there is so much to see and do in this life. At the end of this month I will have visited 48 of the Continental states in the United States. I have gone through hell and back in my life and never given up on what I want to do. That is to see the world, as well as, to join along with me in my journey, but also this will be from those that have inside information with everyone I come across.

I have multiple businesses but where I get my inventory for travel is from me being a Uber driver. I have met individuals from all over the world. Every time I meet someone from a place that I wish to travel to or area of the world I hand them post it notes. I have a huge vision board, all my goals, dreams, and desires are on that wall. Including a travel section. The travel section is where I place these inside information post it note information. I will never have to Google another place ever again to travel too.

Today a few new friends via Uber told me I needed to create this page. They said I'm the perfect candidate for it and will provide daily information about the inside information I receive to places to travel to all over the world that I either travel to or I receive from every individual I come across. Happy travels and remember God and the Universe has your back everything you manifest your desires is lining up for you right now!!!

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